Immortal spits rapid-fire like an automatic weapon. Think of it as a commercial-free C-SPAN, CNN, and BBC News along with the films Syriana and Fahrenheit 9/11 set to music. Like graphic war coverage, it’s not for the faint of heart. The lyrical gems are too numerous to mention. The opening track, "Death March" blazes with, “Your lies are too obvious, propaganda monotonous/I’m like the legs of a paraplegic really/'cause I’m still with you even if you can’t feel me." In the same vein as Black Star’s "What Is Beef," on "That’s What It Is," Immortal urges listeners to see that conflict affecting the hip-hop nations extends far beyond the block. He takes shots at the government, big business, and posers. "You got beef with n*ggas, I got beef with Aryans, white power Nazis and European Americans, rampant poverty pimps and fake vegetarians." From Henri Adaso
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