Has Pharrell been smokin too much, or did celebrity and fame finnaly get to his brain coz if I was seeing sounds I'd definitely think about seeing a doctor too!
Here's your review:
"While writing their third album, N.E.R.D. watched a Discovery Channel show about synesthesia, a neurological disorder that causes people to experience sounds as colors or as objects in their minds. Superproducers the Neptunes (Pharrell Williams and Chad Hugo) and their rapping buddy Shay Haley were inspired to create music you could envision as a live show. Does that creative concept work? Hard to say, but the results are experimental and expansive: Specked with ostentatiously weird grooves, "Spaz" and the speedy, jazzy single "Everyone Nose" are destined to go down as some of 2008's most interesting hip-hop cuts." Read Full Article Here
Lucky for you, there always id a replacement (hyperfileshare):
WARNING: Don't forget to search the archive for more albums or else the download police will catch you!
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